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History lesson, education, reflections on mass manipulation, generational slavery and necessary struggles: 

the shocking letter from the slaver William LYNCH (1712) psychological manipulations or how to create slaves over generations...

Link :

In summary: "divide and rule" and in particular through fear, the terrible violence inflicted in particular on "valuable slaves" to dissuade others from rebelling or encourage drunken betrayals... Shocking yet partly still relevant today. Descendants must become aware of this and act for freedom, fraternity, fairness, fair partnerships, and also avoid the heavy burden of corruption.

AND knowing how to ask yourself "who benefits from the crime in the end?..."

"United we stand, divided we fall"...

History lesson, education, reflections on mass manipulation : The Lynch letter, slavery making

"Ni chaines, ni maîtres" (no chains, no masters) powerful movie on French slavery
Arrival of a powerful necessary movie about French slavery true History. (The movie takes place in 1759). Some shocking elements for sure. Some Slavery also supported at that time by the Catholic church declaring that "Black people had no souls..." more shocking...and it has nothing to deal with the true Essence of the Holy scriptures, that have been in those cases mis-used for abominations and personal powers. 

Truth is also that so many people are still thinking this way in France ... so sad...and that smells some new revolution on its way...

Link interview :

Link trailer :

To seriously meditate... it has neve been written in the Bible such horrible acts to do, never, the Holy scriptures misused to enslave and treat Human beings like animals it has nothing to deal with the Holy scriptures and Christ message, nothing. 

Petition : for better laws against the rape impunity / chemical weapon
Culture du viol en France - Rape culture growing up in France - chemical weapon.
Procès PUBLIC voulu par la victime courageuse. Les agresseurs : pompier, maçon, journaliste, militaire... le VICE et la CRUAUTE notamment envers les femmes ont de multiples visages... et surtout ici La LACHETE et utilisation de l'ARME CHIMIQUE...
PUBLIC TRIAL wished by the courageous woman victim who wants to alert about the situation and chemical weapon in rapes. Her rapists : firefighter, journalist, military, mason... and COWARDICE of using the chemical WEAPON ! Sick society and so SICK MALES here !
"Procès Mazan" arme chimique et viols ! Pétition pour de meilleures lois et fin de l'impunité. "Mazan French trial" and the chemical weapon in rapes ! : Petition for better laws and an end to impunity : 
JUSTICE must be. "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" ET Justice ! 

August 26th 1944 : Paris is delivered at that price ... / a story of Knight Templars : justice,songs

I) Reminder on this day of commemoration, August 26, 1944, parade on the Champs Elysées of the French and Allies 

(except those who were unfortunately deprived of it by particular unfair racial considerations...)

a victory at what price in blood, and for which the current corruption of France and Paris makes it terrible contempt. 

What price will we possibly have to pay again for a France of true justice and true freedom?

II) A story of the Templars: warrior guardians of the Catholic Faith,

betrayed, and persecuted by a King and a Church in need of power: this is what a historian revealed in 2001...:

Latin songs of the Templars that can still be found in the Catholic Church:

- “Salve Regina”:

- “Anima Christi sansctifica me”:

A Templar battle rule to meditate on: "no retreat, surrender or charge without being instructed"...

To meditate : Ephésiens 6:11-18...: "the Armor of God"...truth, justice, holy words, holy Spirit, faith, salvation, prayers...

BOOK DISCOVERY : "The loop" by Jacob Ward
Livre recommandé...réflexion, sage avertissement (pas une condamnation mais sage avertissement sur l'intelligence artificielle...), reading about "A.I., Intelligence artificielle"... a smart wise warning -not condamnation-, warning & propositions so that we can do the best with inevitable AI...
BOOK "The Loop" by journalist Jacob WARD, NBC News Technology Correspondent.

HOMMAGE : NELLIE BLY : the first investigation journalist : social justice
Discovery today of an extraordinary woman: Nellie Bly. 

Considered the mother of investigative journalism, this incredible woman dared to be interned in 1887 to investigate and write about the inhumane conditions 

inflicted on interned women, particularly by men, violent, abusively dominating husbands, wanting to break their freedom. of expression by having them drugged, 

mistreated, lobotomized...! 

A book and topical subject because these methods of destruction, particularly on women, are reappearing and being practiced here and there...

violently, sneakily, dangerously! with multiple complicity and corruption.

JO-Olympic Games Paris 2024 ! from July 26th to August 11th - THEN Los Angeles 2028 !
Here we go for the Olympic Games of 2024 in Paris. Competitors from France and all around the world coming. 

May the best ones win in each sport and a true necessary peaceful truce be.

Best & Osu ! 

To vote... on this day of European elections. Recovery of a right and duty as a French citizen among other associated rights and duties which were unfairly, illegally blocked from me by an organized criminal gang.

Justice and truth will be done in due time.

Long live France, Long live the Republic...

To be continued with the elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7 following the dissolution of the national assembly decreed by the President of the French Republic MR Macron.

A reminder : the right to vote was given to French women in 1944... some rights seem still fragile we must be careful and keep righteous fights. 

Worshop training : in Rigology’ laugh yoga, and emotional intelligence
A whole day laughing with great training in rigology, laugh yoga, emotional intelligence exercices.

with Ecole du rire internationale and animator Aymeric Astier.. 

Laugh is good for health, I really recommand also those worshops and Trainings 

Back online ! for illustration inspiring female Iron Leader : "De Wendel" women from Lorraine France
April 22, 2024: after 6 months "off" return online of my website with joy, gratitude, determination, informed collaborations...
For inspiring French female illustration of the day: Women positively Leaders of ..."Iron",
from a provincial Lorraine family: the "De Wendel",
the era of Forge Masters, of empathetic, supportive leaders, and creative Women of Lorraine...
"an iron fist in a velvet glove?" :)
and as a movie inspiration : "The Princess" 2022...: 

THE PRINCESS 2022 action - YouTube

And have a look on the photos galery inspiring Women of France : fair justice Queens, War Resistants, Pantheon Hommage & more.  

To meditate.

Today "save the date" : Art & Peace in the word - Tribute Back to the Future - Prayer for Peace...

Today “save the date”: ART & PEACE...

1) Homage “Back to the Future” one of my favorite films..

Interview "Michaël J.Fox, Ronald Reagan..." 1987

Ronald Reagan: actor and ... President ...:

also bonus : 2 great actors and final choice "art mystery" :)

2) WORLD PEACE PRAYERS... %20October%20%C3%A0%2018h00,world%20that it%20a%20d%C3%A9cr%C3%A9t%C3%A9e.

Take care of yourself...Take care. Stay safe as possible.

MyEmpathetic & creative Leader profile - and news Empathy course at the beginning of the 2024 school
With my Profile of Empathetic & Creative Leader long mocked and blocked in French recruitment - delighted with the news courses of Empathy versus school bullying planned for the start of the 2024 school year in France:

Better late than never?

NEWS France, faced with school bullying (and not only) is finally getting into the time of empathy classes for the start of the 2024 school year. In Denmark since 1993, there are 1 hour of lessons per week for 6-16 year olds. "FRI for Mobbing" method.


Articles de presse :

REALITY: with an EMPATHETIC & CREATIVE LEADER profile: harassed, mocked, discredited...

I was often harassed, mocked, even falsely cruelly called "crazy", refused on certain positions where still in 2023 "managers" think that creativity is for "crazy" or "artists" (in a contemptuous sense) while FALSE because LEADERSHIP and CREATIVITY = INNOVATION and much more. It is time for France to open up its perspectives and open up prospects to innovative, differentiated profiles, that can bring about a renewal, especially a powerful and necessary entrepreneurial one.



Leadership or primacy is political, psychological, social, etc. influence. of an individual on a group of individuals or of a group of individuals on another group. The leader has personal skills that make a difference and allow him to be listened to and followed by a group of people.


Empathy is the recognition and understanding of another individual's feelings and emotions.

In the study of interpersonal relationships, empathy is therefore different from the notions of sympathy, compassion, altruism or emotional contagion, which can be associated with it.


Creativity is, in general, the ability of an individual to imagine and implement a new concept, a new object or to discover an original solution to a problem.

It can be more precisely defined as "a psychological or psycho-sociological process by which an individual shows imagination and originality in the way he associates things, ideas, situations and, through the publicity of things, situations, and by the publicity of things".

Creativity and leadership

For contemporary American psychologist Robert Sternberg, creativity and leadership are intimately linked. On the one hand, creativity is a form of leadership, and on the other hand, one of the three components of leadership is creativity.

Creative Leadership:

Creativity is a major leadership challenge within companies.

Creative leadership is necessary for innovation and the rapid adaptation of the business to the various changes that can occur in a competitive and changing environment.

Creative leadership is therefore useful for leaders, teams, and organizations. Sylvie Labelle, aware of this fact, conducted a study on the subject.

In conclusion:

Empathy is not a weakness, it is one of our greatest assets: and for society and its future!.

Treating it as a prejudice for our organizations or our teams will ultimately lead to failure: we see this with school bullying, "gangstalking" possible at any age (which should also be condemned see my previous messages on this subject).

It's true that women generally have more empathy, but that's exactly why we need them in technology and in leadership.

To meditate on.

History, Cultures, Signs, Symbolisms: The Wolf
1) What does a wolf symbolize?
Here are some commonly shared wolf meanings for both ancient and modern cultures. You can read more details about these traits below and what they could mean in your life.
Family & Friendship

2) A Wolf Story: St. Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio:
"Short" version: There is a Christian story that paints a somewhat positive picture of the wolf. In the story of St. Francis and the Wolf, the town of Gubbio, Italy, is attacked by a wolf.
St. Francis of Assisi, who lives in Gubbio, goes into the hills and asks the wolf to stop harming the townspeople and their livestock. While he was very attentive to animals, St. Francis learned that wolves did not attack animals.

3) One of his messages : "Do penance for your sins, and you will be delivered from the wolf in the present, and in the future,..."

BONUS : according to cultures, as for my personality and Bday, I am-would be a FISH-DRAGO-WOLF :) what a character, isnt it "lol" ! :) 

To meditate on...

Histoire, cultures, signes, symbolismes : le Dragon
History, Cultures, Signs, Symbolisms: The Dragon
In Chinese culture, the Dragon symbolizes success and power. The Dragon was the emblem of the Chinese emperors who called themselves "sons of Dragons".

The Dragon is the fifth most important sign in the Chinese horoscope. Of Yang sensitivity, that is to say masculine, its element is Wood. Its lucky colors are white and gold.

Dragon, cultures, folkores, arts :

2024: will be a DRAGON year...

To meditate on. 

History, cultures, signs, symbolisms: the FISH
Depending on history, times, cultures, symbols can evolve and have different meanings.

The Fish...:

1) Symbol of Christianity: when, how, why: article to read

A little Greek lesson:)

I: ?ησο?ς / Iêsoûs: Jesus
Χ : Χριστoς / Khristòs : Christ
Θ : Θεο? / Theoû: of God
Υ : Υ?oς / Huiòs : Son
Σ : Σωτ?ρ / Soter : Savior

2) Astrological symbol: The sign of Pisces is considered the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. It is a mutable and feminine water sign (YIN), which is distinguished by its creative imagination, intuition, empathy, and spirituality.

3) Sacred Fish & African Cultures:

4) Fish in cultures :

Nb photo illustrator: stained glass window from Chartres.

To meditate on...

History, religions, tales, myths of the World to share, lessons: the parable of the "Good Samaritan"
History, religions, tales, myths of the World to be shared, lessons: the parable of the "Good Samaritan"

The parable features a traveler, who is attacked and left for dead by bandits.

A kohen (priest) and a Levite, both Jews, embodying the religious orthodoxy of the time, pass by him and do not bother with him, out of respect for their obligation to serve in the temple.

But a Samaritan, the representative of a population that the Jews consider to be impious, shows himself capable of compassion to the seriously wounded stranger who is not of his religion.

This Samaritan will give his time and money to save his life.

Nb in photos, a history of Art through the centuries...: stained glass window The traveller attacked by the bandits: stained glass window of the Good Samaritan in the cathedral of Chartres (thirteenth century).

To meditate on.

The All Saints' Day holidays are coming... Bilingual French-English co-creative workshops, in joy,
The All Saints' Day holidays are coming...
Bilingual French-English co-creative workshops, in joy, good humor, RESPECT...

Your choice: Arts-Education-Sport in Positive: A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body! Private or group.

Theatre, improvisation, comedy, safe combat, creative writing: "story-telling" or "the hero's journey", acting-fitness, Montessori philosophical discussions...

See on the website gallery posters: ateliers-worshops VT 2023-2024 / teasers autres infos sur ma chaine youtube : verothomas1.

Infos-Contact : +33(0)7 51135562 /

Enjoy ! PEACE...

History, religions, lessons: Kings Saul and David "tyranny of comparaison, power & bad consequences"

Regardless of belief or culture, many people know KING DAVID against GOLIATH... the shepherd who will thus become KING... 

Who knows, also remembers what first confronted David and King Saul, the first "divine" choice of royalty, but who, disappointing due to lack of courage and too attached to the material in particular (...) was replaced by the shepherd with the heart Vaillant David? Which will push King Saul to pursue, unjustly, and ultimately in vain because the divine choice was made in any case, despite of their friendship : the future King David...

A story, a lesson in the tyranny of comparison and power...and "entourage"...

Some links to read...

Saul's jealousy...


David (in Hebrew: meaning “Beloved”): is also present in the Quran. He appears there under the name of Daoud, the prophet-king.

To meditate...

News: Proposal Day of prayer and fasting for Peace in the world

News: Proposal Day of prayer and fasting for Peace in the world, like the Patriarch of Israel and with respect for all beliefs.

In Paris, mass at the QUEEN Sainte CLOTHILDE Basilica .., one of the five minor basilicas of Paris3, raised to this rank by Pope Leo XIII in 1898 in commemoration of the 14th centenary of the baptism of Clovis.

Clothilde, Queen of France,

Psalm of the day 101 "They pass away, You remain"... the psalm of the "stolen-plundered ones" heard and will be restored and their descendants...

To meditate... Peace as/if possible...

The All Saints' Day holidays are coming...Bilingual French-English co-creative workshops
The All Saints' Day holidays are coming...
Bilingual French-English co-creative workshops, in joy, good humor, RESPECT...

Your choice: Arts-Education-Sport in Positive: A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body! Private or group.

Theatre, improvisation, comedy, safe combat, creative writing: "story-telling" or "the hero's journey", acting-fitness, children's rights and the Republic, Montessori philosophical discussions...

See on the website gallery posters: ateliers-worshops VT 2023-2024 / teasers autres infos sur ma chaine youtube : verothomas1.

Infos-Contact : +33(0)7 51135562 /

Enjoy ! PEACE...

History, religion, Women: celebration of the mystic Saint Teresa of Avila who inspired VERLAINE,DALI

History, religion, Women: celebration of the mystic Saint Teresa of Avila who inspired VERLAINE...

Teresa of Avila (in Spanish Teresa de Ávila), The influence of her writings, testimony to her mystical experience, makes her a major figure in Christian spirituality. She is recognized as a saint and doctor of the Church by the Catholic Church.

Thérèse of Avila deeply inspired Paul Verlaine in his work of conversion, and in particular for the collection Sagesse (“O my God you have wounded me with love”). She was for him the very example of “the woman of genius” (Voyage en France par un Français).

In 1951, Salvador Dalí painted his Allegory of the Soul, the full title of which is “Alegory of the Soul after Santa Teresa de Avila - the surrealist worm metamorphoses into the mistic butterfly”.

She was appointed doctor of the University of Salamanca and has held the honorary title of mayor of Alba de Tormes since 1963. In 2012, his writings were published in the Pléiade collection.

His influence on modern philosophy (notably the famous Cartesian cogito) is now better known.

She was also persecuted by men of the Church, at the time of the unfortunately famous Dominican manual Malleus Maleficarum.

NB : Nb what is “mysticism”? depending on cultures, religions...

To meditate..."PEACE & LOVE"...

Portrait of a Woman Leader: Eleanor of Aquitaine REBELLE, Queen France & England, Mother of Richard

Portrait of a Woman Leader: Eleanor of Aquitaine REBELLE, Queen France & England, Mother of Richard the Lionheart

(inspiring the story of King Arthur... of the sword...)

Bonus Louvres: closure of the museum due to threat...

Mary Magdalene at the Louvres...?

To meditate, “staying safe”..PEACE...

2 New creative workshops by and with Vero 2023-2024: storytelling & the journey of the hero (since7)
2 New creative workshops by and with Vero 2023-2024: storytelling translate "narrative communication" & creative writing workshop on the theme The Heroine's Journey.

1) "Storytelling" workshop: narrative communication technique (see attached poster), the opportunity to use my knowledge and experience in communication; Explanations


    Dating back to the 90s, born in the United States, the "tale of facts" method can be used by companies or public figures wishing to communicate their image, or in the context of change management, or to mobilize internally before reaching the general public. Most of the major multinationals use it, such as Coca-Cola or The Walt Disney Company, which are ranked on Interbrand's list of the world's most powerful brands.

  • 2) The Hero's Journey: whether it's the Marvel heroes or the French Little Prince, fairy tales from the whole world (a few readings on my youtube channel verothomas1) we all have our hero-heroines and we might also imagine others in our World or another... Then come to this creative writing workshop on the theme of heroin, heroin by "Tiny-Mighy" :)! : exercises, games, writing, reading, presentation &more :) 

    See you soon! To your Feathers! ENJOY!

Discovery: PARIS Town Hall and Contemporary Art “that speaks…” American Obey...

Discovery: PARIS Town Hall and Contemporary Art “that speaks…"

On the occasion of the current assessment "OBEY: knowledge+actions=power": by US Artist this mid-term for the Paris Mayer Mrs Hidalgo, great opportunity to visit and discover the PARIS town hall and the office of Mrs. Mayor Hidalgo, including this work by the American artist: Obey "knowledge + actions=power"...what power and what to do with it?... 

Noticing the same fresque near the Pompidou (ancient French President of France) center...

To meditate...

New Photo Gallery: Vero Artistic training courses France-USA in summary: my Art Oak :)
New Photo Gallery: Vero Artistic training courses France-USA in summary: enjoy!

Acting, theatre, camera, direction, improvisation, writing, fighting ... in summary and in pictures my training-trainings between France, Lorraine, Paris and Los Angeles... Edifying foundations for co-creativity:) :

From dance show to kindergarten in "Alsatian" mode:) to the katana combat character, through the methods of the Actor Studio, the classic Rabelais repertoire, creation, the camera to Florent or Pygmalion, the comedy of Scott Sedita, the work of emotions by John Sudol, the camera fight with Jan & Dan Speaker, & Art Camacho !... Gratitude!

To be continued, for the Best... and as a team here and there:)


History, religions, sharings, Feast of the GUARDIAN ANGELS
On this day are celebrated in particular the ... Angels GUARDIANS :) 2 days after the Archangels ... :)

All religions, cultures combined, we talk about the Guardian Angels, a useful and interesting link to remember and share here and there:

Happy Feast Day and may your, our Guardian Angels protect you, inspire us ...

For the Best ...!

History, culture, religions...: a story of Angels, Feast of the day: Michael, Raphael,Gabriel..

History, culture, religions...: a story of Angels, Feast of the day: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel..

Throughout time, any culture or religion, on all continents...: who has not heard of the presence, existence, help or battles of Angels? All beliefs respected, this day is the “Feast” of 3 “major” Angels: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel...a fourth one for the 4 cardinal points / Uriel and 7 ones are in fact especially known...

One explanatory link among others: :~:text=Pope%20Fran%C3%A7ois-,F%C3%AAte%20des%20saints%20archangels%3A%20des%20envoy%C3%A9s%20pour%20nous%20accompany,Bible%20%C3%A0% 20des%20degr%C3%A9s%20miscellaneous.

Also for the 4th one and cardinal point : Uriel "the Light of God" as you can see some paintings in some churches...The Saint Patron for Arts, Confirmation, poetry and sciences... 

And who is your “Guardian Angel” or "Favorite one" ?... :)

My worshops : art, languages, sport updated :) : enjoy

My worshops updated  : see the new posters :  2023-2024 in the dedicated photos gallery..

A bilingual innovative method : 

- français FLE, French for foreigners 

- Cambridge English certificates preps & success,

- théâtre-acting "come alive!" ,

- "actingfit" (original creation ! ) :) & more...

On-demand rates, flat-rate, degressive, individual or group, courses specific pricing.

Let's level up ! Let's enjoy :) 

Best ! V 

"Dogman" : Luc Besson is back ...

“Dogman”: an explosive careful, hold on to your belts and your hearts...:

A film that shakes up contemporary times which raises many social questions... of violence, abandonment, resilience at what cost... the religious theme or "mysticism"... a lot to say... to meditate, to debate ...and an acting be continued...

The director was also available, exchange with the public...Gratitude.

A film to watch...

To see, share, meditate...

Poetry: roots, strengths and values beyond storms:... "The oak tree" by Johny RayRyder Jr
The Oak Tree

A mighty wind blew night and day.
It stole the Oak Tree’s leaves away.
Then snapped its boughs
and pulled its bark
until the Oak was tired and stark.
But still the Oak Tree held its ground
while other trees fell all around.
The weary wind gave up and spoke,
How can you still be standing Oak?”

The Oak Tree said, I know that you
can break each branch of mine in two,
carry every leaf away,
shake my limbs and make me sway.
But I have roots stretched in the earth,
growing stronger since my birth.
You’ll never touch them, for you see
they are the deepest part of me.
Until today, I wasn’t sure
of just how much I could endure.
But now I’ve found with thanks to you,
I’m stronger than I ever knew.

To meditate...

23 septembre 2023 : "Force, solidarity, Resistance" : Pope François,films "Old Oak", "Da Vinci Code"
September 23, 2023: marked by Pope Francis' visit and speech in Marseille on migrants, a film to watch on the subject of migrants inspired by real events "The old oak" by Ken Loach: "Strength, solidarity, resistance" or the first stormy encounter between Syrian migrants and towners of a former mining town in disarray. Between fears and legitimate prejudices,   In the end, suffering, common poverty will bring out an unexpected solidarity where everyone will be able to express their intelligence, their needs, their goodness in active solidarity versus ... charity (sometimes so "business charity" in our current societies with "dominant-dominated"...instead of possible winner-winner...) ; and the expression then of a "possible and healthier patriotism..."

Links :

1) Discours Pope Francis :

2) Bande-annonce : "the old oak" de Ken Loach :

3) Extrait "Da vinci code" : sur la parfois "jealousy ecclesiastic..."  Peter versus Eli about Mary Magdalene... (joins the texts and homilies discussed on this weekend of 23-24 September...)

Peter said did he prefer her ? Levi said "I see u contending against a woman like an adversary, if the savior made her worthy who are u indeed to reject her ?"

Bonus : homélie de Mgr Marsset : KTO dimanche 24/09/23 St Germain l'Auxerrois Paris

Visit of the Pope Francis in France: Gad Elmaleh, 70,000 ostia, portrait of Cardinal Aveline :
Visit of the Pope in France: Gad Elmaleh, 70,000 ostia, portrait of Cardinal Aveline:

Links: to read, think about, questionning, meditate... :

1) The planned figures: 70,000 osties, 140 bishops, 700 priests... on the complicated subject of "migrants" ...

2)French actor : Gad Elmaleh... :

3) Portrait of Cardinal Aveline Marseille: having "made" the Pope come to Marseille:

WHEN WILL POPE FRANCIS IN THE DIOCESE OF PARIS who needs it ...some shoulder necessary straps...less "charity business" ...

Back to school, work, hiring: reminder on the anti-discrimination law art L.1132-1 & criminal appeal
Back to school, work, hiring: reminder on the anti-discrimination law art L.1132-1 & criminal appeal

What the law provides for hiring: and possible criminal sanctions in case of discrimination:

Any employee, any candidate for a job, an internship or a period of training in a company is protected by law against discrimination in hiring and work. The Labour Code (art. L.1132-1) prohibits any distinction between employees based in particular on :

gender identity;
marital status;
genetic characteristics;
membership or non-membership, true or supposed, to an ethnic group, nation or race;
political opinions;
trade union or mutual activities;
religious beliefs;
physical appearance;
place of residence;
state of health;

Therefore, none of these grounds can be used to exclude a person from a recruitment procedure (or access to an internship or training) or to sanction, dismiss or decide on a discriminatory measure against an employee.

More info:

Possible sanctions:

1) The employer who is a natural person who has committed acts of discrimination in hiring is liable to a fine of up to 45,000 euros and 3 years in prison according to DGT circular No. 2012-14 of 12 November 2012.

2) Legal persons may also be held criminally liable for acts of discrimination. The penalties are provided for in article 225-4 of the Criminal Code. The penalty can reach up to € 225,000, in addition to a possible ban on practising.

Possible remedies:

1) in civil proceedings: 3 years

2) criminal (complaint police station, gendarmerie, investigating judge TGI, Public prosecutor) delay 6 years

3) seize the Defender of Rights (...).

To meditate. "Liberty Equality Justice Fraternity"...

2023: Discovery of a Coke bottle DESIGNEE Jean-Paul Gaulthier : french-US smart partnerships
2023: Discovery of a Coke bottle DESIGNEE Jean-Paul Gaulthier and BARBIE! Amazing!

but also APPLE & HERMES ...:

Franco-American co-creativity smart partnerships for and at all ages...

Idea of a photo gallery highlighting, highlighting positive constructive collaborations co-creative of FRANCO-AMERICAN know-how! and their inspirations (cf creation of Coca-Cola 1886, Breizh Cola France 2002: knowing how to give back to Caesar what is Caesar's:) ingenious collaboration Coca_Créateurs fashion; Apple and Hermès...; the operation of Creators' Dolls with Unicef...).

Photos to enjoy:) Meditate, and co-create! :

1) Coca-Cola and bottles by French designers such as Gaulthier, Chantal Thomass, Karl Lagerfield, Moshino, Sonia Rykiel, David Guetta, Justice...

2) Nearest CINEMA: BARBIE !!

3) Apple Watch & HERMES...

4) "Similar" idea with Unicef and Creators' Dolls...,16726.html


To be continued... 

History, religion, lesson of (in)TOLERANCE: massacre of St Barthelemy-St Germain l'Auxerrois Church
History, religion & lesson of (in)TOLERANCE: the massacre of St Barthelemy-St Germain l'Auxerrois Church:

History lesson and massacres of intolerance ...

The night of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre 450 years ago ...

To meditate...

History, culture, religion: "Keystone"... Example of Notre-Dame de Paris
History, culture, religion: "Keystone"... Example of Notre-Dame de Paris :

- On this day which notably celebrates the Saint Curé of Ars, who went so far as to confess people 14 hours a day...a well-known strong character Priest...somelike "modern" Abbé Pierre who created Emmaus (Winter 1954...) and cared about justice and the "little"ones...Some authentic Priests who do show the example of their priesthood choice by taking care of true charity, hope, helping, caring about the "little" ones, "the forgotten ones" but not for the "show"... for Truth, Justice, Faith, Heart...

- let's also explore a cultural, historical, artistic, architectural point: the so-called keystones:

For example, the magnificent Notre-Dame de Paris which fell... and which should "re-illuminate"

when the Cathedral reopens, normally, in December 2024...

To be continued...

History lesson : "the SALIC LAW" "opportunist" of 1318 : 

"Women in France can't inherit or transmit the Crown" ...

Context :

A French press article :

To sum up :

Video :

WHAT ABOUT in 2023 ? like 700 years later ? how would or could it be ? a new SALIC LAW to "permit" women to inherit throne and /or transmit it ? ... or a good WOMAN President of France someday...?

History Lesson

History, war, religions, lessons: the battle rosary distributed during the 1st World War by US army
History, war, religions, lessons: the battle rosary distributed during the 1st World War by the American army to its soldiers.
the Miraculous Medal, the Medal of St. Benedict, the Cross of Forgiveness. It is apparently the only rosary that is a source of indulgences if one embraces the Cross.
He must receive 3 Blessings.

Another history lesson during World War II was the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

Let's stay safe and in Peace as possible.

Short movie "Hereafter Grandma..." Voice Intro by VeroThomas
Short Movie. Coming. Intro Voice..."Destiny is written in the stars". Voice, Idea, Recording by VPThomas,(aka Vero TinyMighty) @ all rights reserved.

Children Coach Theatrical Combat / French and US-English

Short movie "Heartring Trilogy, Legacy, the alternative ending" by Veronique Thomas
Short movie Fantasy "Heartring Trilogy, Legacy, the alternative ending" by Veronique Thomas, written directed, edited, produced. With Antonio Tusseau. All rights reserved @ VeroThomas.

BODY-KARATE : My certificate back : OSU!
It is with joy and gratitude that I could get back a duplicata (original stolen) of my body karaté certificate in order to practice and teach for the new coming season September 2024. 

Thank you to the Karaté French Fédération. 

And who knows, maybe a new discipline for the next Olympic Games in Los Angeles 2028 ? ;) 

Best & Osu ! 

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